Saturday 12 January 2013

Day 0 of 365: THE END

I knew it and I'm sorry. My laptop broke (but now it's fixed) and I haven't posted and continued the Day 365 project and I couldn't handle it because I'm busy this January until February due to school. My everyday schedule is really hectic since I have classes then after class I have to head off to our practice for the JS Prom on February and then after our practice (which is already 5PM) I have to go to another practice for the Dance Troupe (for our showcase) which is up 'till 7PM so I don't really have that much time on my hands especially this January since I have to rush a lot of projects and review.

But in Febuary, there'll be updates for sure and some outfit posts because it's our school's foundation day and like every year, I am always having tons of fun. So I hope you understand why I'll rarely update this blog.

I'll still be active on Twitter tho, and maybe on Tumblr (since it's just reblogging and shiz) so, that's about it!

'Til the next post! 
- Idelyn

Saturday 5 January 2013

5/365: Uh, yea.

I spent the day at the mall. More like spent the day babysitting. Aha! I was like the yaya of my lil bro but yea, I'm currently having a movie marathon, ok, I'm not watching it since I'm blogging but it's playing. I've actually seen Perks, uhm, the other night.. Don't judge me, it's a good movie! *hahaha okay*

That's it! School starts on Monday. BOOOO! :(

- Idelyn. x

4/365: One More Year...

I am honestly scared because of this. Why? Because I don't know what to take up and I have a year left of High School. Plus, the fact that I might not get in to the school that I want? Ouch.
I'm taking up scholarships and trying to do my best to study for Entrance Exams but still..

There's only a few months left of my Junior Year and I'm off to being a Senior. Woah, just woah.

- I

3/365 : An Abundance Of Katherines

I knew it... Hahaha. Lacking of posts, I don't really know what interesting things to post.
So I will post Day 3-5 today. This is the book which I'm currently reading, in all honestly, I think I won't finish this since I don't find it that interesting. I love John Green books, especially The Fault In Our Stars but I don't know about this one. 

- I.

Thursday 3 January 2013

2/365 : Baking Meringue

Late post! Yesterday, we made meringues with chocolate kisses inside of it. It was so good. Hahaha. My sister decided that we should make them since it's her last day here because she needed to go back to MNL. So yea, I don't have anything interesting to post now since I'm stuck at our house but yea. :)

- I.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Day 1 of Project 365: HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Happy New Year, everyone! I have decided to do Project 365 so I can also post stuff here but I honestly think that I won't get to finish this but I'll try!. The photo for today was taken this midnight, with my phone's camera since my digi-cam was drained by 10PM. I had fun celebrating New Year's Eve with le family~

We also have this kind of a tradition where every January 1, we (my mom's side) would go out for lunch. It was one of those times where I also get to see my cousins who live in MNL and it's really great since we had time to bond and stuff.

Outfit for NYE: