Saturday 12 January 2013

Day 0 of 365: THE END

I knew it and I'm sorry. My laptop broke (but now it's fixed) and I haven't posted and continued the Day 365 project and I couldn't handle it because I'm busy this January until February due to school. My everyday schedule is really hectic since I have classes then after class I have to head off to our practice for the JS Prom on February and then after our practice (which is already 5PM) I have to go to another practice for the Dance Troupe (for our showcase) which is up 'till 7PM so I don't really have that much time on my hands especially this January since I have to rush a lot of projects and review.

But in Febuary, there'll be updates for sure and some outfit posts because it's our school's foundation day and like every year, I am always having tons of fun. So I hope you understand why I'll rarely update this blog.

I'll still be active on Twitter tho, and maybe on Tumblr (since it's just reblogging and shiz) so, that's about it!

'Til the next post! 
- Idelyn

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