Sunday 5 May 2013


May is finally here and that means we only have a month left until we go back to school. *sobs*
As you all know, I'm about to be a senior and based from my 3 years of experience, here is a list of things that you can do and definitely avoid doing. I'm studying in a school where we have the "Science High School" curriculum (which is going to be an international one soon) and I'm a special science student which means I have to take up extra classes.


  1. Pass your projects on time. Some teachers can be strict with the deadline so you better get used to it. Even if they let you pass the next day, it'll either have a deduction or your grade will be 75 (or whatever the lowest passing score is)
  2. Make friends. They'll help you survive. High School can have drama in it and friends would be great so you won't have to be all alone while facing this mess.
  3. Participate in school activities. Some extra curricular wouldn't hurt. I personally join as much as I can but make sure that the time of those activities won't conflict. AND make sure that if this certain activity gets you out of class, you are excused and you have someone to copy notes off because missing a lesson is really hard, you'll get left behind. I've experienced this and it was really difficult for me to catch up with the lessons and seatworks since I wasn't attending class for about 2 weeks or so just to practice. Oh and this will also help you gain friends which are not from your class.
  4. Stay focused.  Make a goal for yourself. Like, "what do I want to achieve in this class" or make a list of things that you plan to finish after the year. Don't let the tempting world of social media get to you when you're doing schoolwork or the partying that'll make you miss your first class the next day because you stayed up all night dancing and forgetting about school.
  5. Join the class discussion. I know, reading the posters in the classroom is more interesting than listening and learning about what happened in World War 2 but making sure that your teacher knows you're alive and that your still part of the class is important. So raise that hand if you know the answer, it'll boost your oral participation up and class standing while at the same time, you impress your teacher. Oh and take down notes, it'll help you in your exams.
  6. Explore. Join different clubs, make friends who are older or younger than you, go with your new found friends for a trip to the mall or anything like that. Maybe even find love when your ready. Try and learn about the new environment that you'll be staying in for the next 4 years.
  7. Know your priorities. This is in relation to #6. Yes, exploring might be such a fun idea and you want to do it more rather than finishing up your 10-page essay that is due tomorrow but know your priorities. Don't let those things get in the way of your studies since studying is the main reason of why you're here.
  8. Bring extra money. Transport, snacks or group projects. You never know when you'll need it.
  9. Have a time/daily schedule. Being organised is really great. You'll know when and where to be at a particular time and by doing so, you won't get your appointments be shuffled and you won't forget about them.
  10. Be yourself. This is the most important thing that I've learned the past 3 years, I've always been that girl that's quiet or the one in the corner because I tend to be a loner most of the times for the first 2 years, I was afraid to go out and actually enjoy having a social life because I was too afraid that I won't fit in and I didn't really want to tolerate all of the fake personalities that I see. I've had a fair share of being backstabbed even if I didn't even do anything to them and I wasn't really the person who would fight with others so I just thought that it would be easier if I just avoid them. I did have friends but they were only limited. Last year, I decided that it was time to break out of that shell. Life is too short to worry about others so just be yourself, you'll eventually find your group of friends just like me. :)
  1. Don't let peer pressure get to you. It may be tempting but you'll probably regret it. If you know that it's bad, don't do it just because all of your friends are doing it. They'll understand. And if ever they call you a KJ, then tell them that you just don't feel like it and that you'd rather do something else.
  2. Don't procrastinate. This is something that I need to stop doing. Trust me, you do not want to do all of your projects the last minute. A lot of teachers can give the same deadline and doing it the last minute does not help. It will only result into one big hot mess, you'll get no sleep, you're going to be tired and sleepy during the day and you'd probably still have some leftover work and finishing touches to add. So I suggest that you avoid all of those things (eg twitter, facebook, tumblr or the new episode of your favorite show) and start working days before the deadline. You'll get it done on time and you won't look like a freaking zombie walking around your school carrying supplies and unfinished work that has to be done in exactly 10 minutes.
  3. Don't fight with your teachers. Actually don't fight with anyone. Correcting them over something is fine but going overboard would get you into a whole lot of trouble.
  4. Don't sleep in class. It won't do you any good. Yeah the lesson might be boring but some teachers tend to give activities or quizzes after the discussion. You wouldn't want to pass a blank piece of paper now would you?
  5. Don't skip/cut classes. In all honesty, I did this a lot the past year and I regret it. Don't cut class, it'll just result into you getting in trouble if someone catches you and you'll miss a load of work that you won't probably have a chance to do since your teacher found out that you picked hanging out in the school's canteen rather than learning the lesson that they prepared just for your class and you'll get a score of 0. That won't be fun.
  6. Don't let anything get in your way. Backstabbers? Low grades? Problems? You can beat all of that. If your mind is distracting you by constantly reminding you that you have this problem and that problem or if anyone is trying to bring you down, DON'T LET THEM GET TO YOU. Once you step into school, forget about anything bad that has happened in the past and go make your future better. Not only will it help you but it'll also make you happy. :)

I guess that is it for this post. I'm really sorry for being MIA for the past month. I finally got inspiration in me and I could write properly now. See you guys soon, bye!

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