Wednesday 15 May 2013


I personally know a lot of people who are constantly doubting themselves. In all honestly, I do it too but I try my best to ignore it more often.  I've realized that by doing this, I'm not helping myself in anyway at all. Doubting yourself is something a lot of people do. They don't have enough self-confidence, self-esteem and they don't really have trust in them. From personal experience, this thoughts really stopped me from doing things that I love and meeting the people who I wanted to be friends with.  I bet if not all, almost all of you reading this right now have experienced this and would love to remove this bad habit.

"I just think that I won't be able to do it. I'm not good at this, what if I don't do it right?" NO. STOP RIGHT THERE. JUST NO. Don't think, just do. If you over think things, you'll get to the point wherein you'll just think "Nah, I'm not gonna do it. I might mess it all up." So yeah, just go with the flow. You'll be surprised with what ever the outcome of this decision would be. 

Be dedicated to whatever that thing you want to do may be. Yeah, you have to say yes but you also have to put effort into not. Not just saying yes to everything but never really doing it. Be passionate, this is what you love? Then prove it. There's no point in saying "yes" if you don't really put effort in whatever this is.

Like I always say, go ahead and explore. Be interested, contribute, try out new things. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love, not even yourself. I know it may be hard at first but you'll eventually get used to it and I promise you, you will change for the better.

I'm really sorry for the lack of posts, maybe it's because I can't really think about anything right now. I really want to start vlogging but I still can't find the perfect editor that I want to use. If you guys have some, mind tweeting them to me? Thank you sooo much. 'Til the next post! x

ps. all of the photos are from tumblr. so credits to the rightful owner.

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