Monday 1 April 2013


Happy April Fools Day! Let the pranks begin, ye? It's officially April here in the Philippines and it's getting hotter and hotter by the second. I've spent the first few weeks of my summer vacation at home watching movies, reading and a bunch of random stuff. Is it bad that I've only watched Titanic (and I mean the whole movie) just a few days ago? I've always seen bits of it whenever my friends watched it or I see it on TV but I never really got to finish it and I swear, it seriously is a great movie, I suggest that you watch it if you haven't. And the '90s Leonardo DiCaprio? -- ♥♥♥! Ahhh, I can't wait what will happen this month. I wish you all a great month ahead and for today? GOODLUCK! Watch out for pranksters and such, have a great day everyone!

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